This page links to some personal projects. Click [here] for my professional experience.

Published Software:

Software available on a distribution platform for consumers.

Adventure-Game Parser

Cool features of this project:

  • Primarily spec-driven
  • Used visual-studio's unit-tests, git integration, etc...
  • Custom programming language for game-logic


A generalization of "replace x with y" plug-ins. As the name implies, it's intended to help alleviate the buzzword-count on the current rendered page.

Cool Projects:

I have a sizeable number of chatbots. My favorite in terms of organization is also the most recent. Ironically, the most popular is probably one of the worst in terms of design.

Problem-Share Bot

Used to share programming problems within a group-chat.

Python-Interpreter Bot

Use docker to provide a python interpreter in-chat that users can do whatever with.


Used to share programming problems within a group-chat.

Nice Libs:

These are pretty much all developed solely out of personal need.


Python parser of the adventure game format format found in the full adventure-game parser.


Ncurses but streamlined into an object-oriented C++ API.


Ncurses but in javascript and used to make this site!

There's a bunch of other projects, differing forms of experimentation, on my [github page] itself.